Many injuries can occur in a motor vehicle crash. One of these is a spinal cord injury, which can have life-altering impacts on the victim. This can lead to permanent effects that can change every aspect of the victim’s life.
During a motor vehicle crash, the body has to deal with a violent impact. This can lead to damage to the spinal cord if the spine is twisted, struck or compressed. The consequences that the victim has to deal with depend on the location and type of damage that occurs.
The impact of spinal cord injuries
Spinal cord injuries can range from mild to severe, with the most serious cases leading to partial or complete paralysis. The effects depend on where the injury occurs along the spine. Injuries higher on the spinal cord may result in more significant impairments that potentially affect all limbs and respiratory function.
Some effects of the spinal cord injury can be temporary because of swelling and inflammation in the affected area. With prompt medical treatment, those effects may lessen as time progresses. Still, the victim may need rehabilitation and other care to overcome the effects of the injury.
When a victim suffers a spinal cord injury in a crash, they will likely need intensive medical care. This can be costly and may come at a time when their income decreases or stops. They may opt to seek compensation for those financial damages if the other driver’s negligence caused the wreck.