Rear-end collisions are some of the most common crashes that occur. They happen at intersections and on busy highways. Although people are often dismissive of rear-end crashes, they can be very serious incidents. The occupants of either vehicle might potentially...
Committed To Justice.
Dedicated To You.
Month: June 2024
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How an at-fault driver’s umbrella policy can help you
After a serious car crash caused by another driver, your primary focus will be on recovery and healing from your injuries. Paying for the medical care required is likely a close second. Even if you have good health insurance coverage, you could end up owing far more...
Why don’t other drivers see motorcycles?
After another driver causes a motorcycle accident, it’s very common for the driver to tell the motorcyclist – or the authorities – that they never saw the bike. Perhaps they turned in front of a motorcycle, instead of yielding the right of way. They’ll say that they...